May 6, 2014

Full Publishing Deal - A New Kind of Song Writing Contest

James Donaldson Publishing Group, LLC is a publishing company formed by songwriters for the songwriters. Visit our website at and we promise that you will never see anything like it in the music industry. The music industry is changing and we are leading in the area needing the biggest change - our financial and services support of all of our associated songwriters.

In this contest, everyone is a winner. Here's why:  

There will be 3 guaranteed winners of the top prize and those 3 will all receive the same 1st Place 

1. All winners (guaranteed 3 winners) will be offered a single song contract.
2. All single song contracts will have a 2 year reversion clause (you will get ALL rights to the song back in 2 years should we be unable to get a "cut")
3. We will require 100% of the publishing (you will get the publishing back if we are unable to get a cut). You will get 100% of the writer's share.
4. Submissions genres must be: a) Country, b) POP, or c) EDM
5. Upon request, winners will receive a promotional quote from James Donaldson Publishing Group. This quote may be used on your website and marketing materials.
6. Winners will be included in the Benefits Package: 
  • a. A share of the company's profits 
  • b. An opportunity to earn an additional 10% of the publisher's royalty 
  • c. A free and professional demo of your song - using the same studio that we use for all of our recordings 
  • d. Use of our critiquing services on future songs at N/C 
  • e. No additional fees normally charged by publishers 
  • i. No Administrative fees 
  • ii. No Accounting fees 
  • iii. No Interest charges on royalty loans 
  • iv. No Advertising fees 
  • v. No Document fees
7. All winners will be eligible to co-write with James Donaldson Publishing Group staff members and associate songwriters. You will also have direct access to company executives.
8. All song submissions Must come through the Music Xray website.
9. All songs must be submitted by midnight June 30, 2014
10. We reserve the right to request slight changes in submitted songs in an effort to qualify the song as a contest winner.
11. Non-winners will receive feedback on how to improve their songwriting skills and/or details as to why their song was not selected and/or suggestions on creating songs which will have more appeal to publishers. You will find this service invaluable in your future songwriting efforts.
12. Because of the critiquing service provided with this songwriting contest we will need 11 weeks to complete the contest process. Winners will be announced the week of September 21st, 2014
13. Submission price is $30 per song (includes critique for non-winners).
All others will receive correspondence explaining why their song was not chosen and a professional critique of the song.

Last winter's Music Xray Artist winners and submissions:
1. Songwriter/Artist Reed Waddle had 7 songs published and offered an Artist management contract.

2. Joy Mover was offered contracts on 3 songs

3. Italian singer/songwriter Linda Gambino has signed a single song contract and will be meeting our company in Nashville in May 2014 to finalize plans for marketing her talents as an artist.

There are no losers.
Even if you do not win, you will be given feedback as to why. Do you know of another contest which provides this service? Our publishing company was created by songwriters and has always been about providing opportunities for songwriters to improve their skills and chances to get their music recorded by music executives. Go to our website ( and you will understand what we are all about.

Good luck and we hope to give you some really good news.