May 7, 2014

@MajorStageMusic Summer Concert Dates & Emilio Rojas Live May 27th

Major Announcement!  We have just added four more Concert dates to our schedule, to make it a total of 8 Concerts for June/July.  Plenty of performance slots are available so hit us up, all info is at the bottom of the email.  Up Next we have Emilio Rojas fresh off tour and back to his hometown (NYC) to Headline a MajorStage Concert.  We also booked a few more Headliners for Summer dates we'll be announcing soon - 
Follow us on 
Twitter: @MajorStageMusic 
 IG: MajorStage
 for more updates

Upcoming Concert Dates:

Overtime Concert - 5/14/14 (Club Pyramid) - 3 slots available
Emilio Rojas Live - 5/27/2014 (Club Drom) - 3 slots available
Overtime Concert - 5/28/14 (Club Pyramid) - available
Overtime Concert - 6/12/14 (Club Pyramid) - available