June 14, 2014

Dead Woman Attends Party For Her Own Funeral

NEW ORLEANS (CNN) – A New Orleans woman remembered as a "party girl" received a sendoff that captured her zest for life.
The family of 53-year-old Miriam Burbank said she loved a cold beer, an occasional scotch and the New Orleans Saints.
So a funeral home found a way to combine that all in her wake.
You can see Burbank is propped up at a table with a cigarette in her hand, a glass of beer and disco lights. Her fingernails are painted black and gold, the Saints colors.
The arraignment was well received by friends and family members.
"When I walked in," said one family friend. "I feel like I was in her house and I didn't hurt so much. Because it's more of her, and it's like she's not dead. It's not like a funeral. It's like she's just in the room with us."
There's no word on how Burbank died.